Our Team

Ben Schmidt

Area Director


Ben Schmidt and his wife 

Jenna joined the NE Iowa FCA team in January 2018. Ben’s role is to engage, equip and empower our staff, local Board and donors in northeast Iowa to fulfill FCA's mission "to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church." The Schmidts have three sons.

Ken Trautmann

Area Representative


Ken has been on staff since 2012; him and his wife Lynn disciple students and coaches through Bible studies, meals and fellowship. Ken works primarily with college ministry, especially University of Northern Iowa athletes, who they lead out of their home. Ken also disciples many coaches and athletes with one-on-one Bible studies. The Trautmanns have five grown children and six grandchildren.

Vanessa Ebling

Administrative Assistant


Vanessa joined the team in June 2016. She and her husband Dave support the growing FCA team. Vanessa coordinates administrative duties, leads the planning for various events, and helps disciple women coaches. The Eblings have four grown children and two grandchildren.

Karen Morlan

Area Representative


Karen Morlan joined the NE Iowa FCA team with a passion for discipling coaches and athletes. Her role is to consistently provide spiritual leadership while developing and equipping staff and volunteers to empower coaches and athletes to be disciples who make disciples. Karen and her husband Ron  have four grown children and one grandchild.

Josh Rouser

Field Ambassador

Waverly- Shell Rock


Josh has a desire to share the Gospel with everyone he runs into. He leads the Waverly-Shell Rock FCA student leaders and builds relationships with other students and coaches to disciple and sharpen them. Him and is wife Sonya have five sons.

John 14:23 is their family verse. 

Alicia Denner

Area Representative


Alicia Denner joined the NE Iowa FCA team August of 2023. Along with her husband Justin, Alicia has been an FCA huddle leader for the Crestwood High School FCA for several years. Alicia invests in huddles in Howard and Winneshiek counties. The Denners have two daughters and one son.

Randy Kies

Field Ambassador

FCA Sports


Randy joined the NE Iowa FCA team June of 2024. Randy and his family have been involved in club sports through FCA since their three sons were in elementary school. He is developing and growing our  FCA Club and League Sports ministry by discipling FCA Sports Coaches.

NE Iowa FCA Staff and Leadership Board

Top Row (left to right): Josh Rouser, Field Ambassador; Ben Schmidt, Area Director;

Ryan Randall, Board Chair; Tim Brandt

Middle Row: Dave Mason; Ron Morlan; Alicia Denner, Area Rep; Kelsey Randall; Emily Brandt

Bottom Row: Stacy Mason; Karen Morlan, Area Rep; Joyce Barbatti;

Vanessa Ebling, Administrative Assistant; Ken Trautmann, Area Rep

not pictured: Justin Dahlager, Randy Kies

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